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How to Quiz Your Team Through Slack: QuickQuiz Demo

QuickQuiz allows you to build and deploy quizzes within minutes through Slack. But there’s nothing like seeing the tool for yourself! That’s why we’ve created a quick and easy demo of how to get started.

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Hi everyone, I am Carsten from Knowledge Anywhere, and today I’m going to show you how easy it is to use QuickQuiz. QuickQuiz allows you to easily build quizzes and deploy those quizzes to your employees, students, friends, or colleagues via Slack. In this video, we are going to cover how to create a quiz, how to assign users to take a quiz, how to assign quiz authors, how to edit and manage a quiz, how to take a quiz as a user, and how to see what quizzes you need to take as a user.

Once you’ve downloaded the QuickQuiz app, all you have to do is hit /quiz and then type in create. Once you do that, you will pull up the menu on how you create your quiz. You can enter your quiz name right here; I’m going to call our quiz “Demo Quiz.” Then you can also add a description; maybe you want to say how many questions there are, so you could say “Quiz with three questions.” You can really put anything you want in the quiz description. Then you’re going to hit continue, and you’ll pull up this first thing here to start making your quiz.

Let’s make our first question here. Let’s make our first question: “What is 5 + 5?” Then we have a couple of choices here, so we can put the correct answer here, which is going to be 10. Then for the second choice, maybe we’ll put the wrong answer, 11, and then maybe we want to have another option, we can do “Add new answer choice,” and we can do 13. Since 5 + 5 is 10, that’s the correct answer, so we can click save to save that question.

We get here to a quiz overview, and if we wanted to, we could put the passing percentage right now. Let’s say we want to add a new question; we just click this button right here. Let’s say we want to have a second question here, we can type in our question: “How many states are in the US?” We can do our answers; let’s say for the first one, we want to do the wrong one, 48, second one we want to do 50, and then for the last one, let’s do 60. What we can do to make sure that the order is different for each one is just toggle these, and then what happens is once you click the incorrect, it switches it to correct, and there we have it in a different order, and also making sure that the correct one is marked correct.

So we can save that, there we go. So there are our two questions. Then we have something right here called “passing percentage.” Now this allows us to see how many users pass the quiz. So we’re just going to type in one number; this is an optional feature, but let’s say we need to make sure that they complete 50% or pass 50%, get 50% right here, so we can put in 50, and that will make sure that they pass, they get 50%.

Once you’ve completed making your questions, you’ll have this box come up which is the “assign quiz” button, and the assign quiz button can assign the quiz in two ways: first, it can assign the quiz to specific users, like, for example, I could assign it to myself or whoever else is in the company, or it could assign it to a certain channel, so maybe you want to do your marketing channel, your PR channel, whatever you want to do. You can either do it to individual users or to a channel.

For this one, I’m going to assign it to myself, and then we’re going to click “assign and publish quiz,” and there we go, the quiz has been assigned.

Now you’ve assigned your quiz, but let’s say you forgot somebody. What you can do is pull up quiz again and then type in assign, then we’re going to do our quiz name, which is “Demo Quiz.” This pulls up the quiz assign information again, so maybe I want to assign somebody else or maybe I don’t, but that allows you to assign the quiz even after you’ve already published it.

Many times with Quick Quiz, our users want to have multiple authors who are able to make quizzes, and the way you can manage that is by going quiz authors, and this is where you can select the author who wants to create quizzes.

Another great Quick Quiz command is the quiz clear command, and the quiz clear command allows you to clear all of the scores of users for a particular quiz. So let’s say if somebody already took it, but they want to have them take it again, this option allows them to do that. So I’ll show you guys how to do it; you just go quiz clear and then the quiz name “Demo Quiz,” and then it allows all users who were previously assigned to it to retake it.

So another great tool that we have at Quick Quiz is the quiz list assigned tool, which allows you to see all the quizzes assigned to you. So you just go quiz list assigned, and you type that in, and here it’ll show you all of the quizzes that have been assigned to you. These are some of the sample quizzes I’ve created. Similarly, you can also do a quiz list created, and this shows you all of the quizzes you’ve made.

Another great command is the quiz manage tool, so if you go here and do type in quiz manage and let’s say we want to do the “Trivia Quiz,” once we type in “manage this quiz,” we can go back and actually see all of the answers. If we really wanted to, we could change the answers and just do a lot to edit it after we’ve already created it or released it. So this is a great tool if you want to be able to manage the quiz; you can go back and change your quiz.

Finally, a great tool for quiz creators is the quiz results tool. So you just go quiz results and then type in the quiz name, let’s say we want to get results for “Trivia Quiz.” All of those results will pop up; for example, I didn’t do well on this quiz, I only got a 33%, but it gives me the statistics, how many users have done it, and what score

they got. It’s a great tool for managing and seeing how the assigned users have done on their quiz and if they’ve completed it.

Now let’s say that I’m a user and I’m assigned a quiz. The way that that works is I will get a notification that I’ve been assigned a quiz, and then I will type in quiz start, and the quiz will come up right here. So here’s the first question of our demo quiz; it comes up “What is 5 plus 5?” I know the answer, that is 10. Then “How many states are in the US?” Let’s say I get it wrong, that would be it, and then this is the blank question, and there we go. That’s how easy it is for me to take a quiz. I just type in the command quiz start, and it shows up here in the Quick Quiz section, and I’m able to take it.

So let’s say that I have multiple quizzes assigned to me instead of just hitting quiz start. I can be more specific, so let’s try it that way. Maybe I have a few quizzes assigned to me; I will just type in the name of the quiz I want to take, and we’re going to do “Demo Quiz.” That way, I can make sure that I get the right quiz at the right time, or I take the quiz I want to. So let’s say I don’t know how many quizzes I have assigned to me as a user; what I can do is just really quickly type in quiz list assigned, and then all of the quizzes I have currently assigned to me will pop up here. I can one, two, three, four, five quizzes, and it also gives me how many questions they have. This is an easy way to check how many quizzes you have assigned to you if you aren’t sure.

Thank you so much for watching this video, and I hope it helped you learn a lot about QuickQuiz. If you have any questions, you can reach out to support@knowledgeanywhere.com or go to our HelpDesk for up-to-date resources.