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Filtered Learning Paths and Courses Tutorial: Knowledge Anywhere’s Learning Management System

In this short video, you’ll learn how to filter courses on the Learner side of Knowledge Anywhere’s Learning Management System (LMS).


Hello, I’m Jacqueline from Knowledge Anywhere, and today we’re going to be going over how to filter courses. So currently, we’re on a test site of the LMS, the home page, and on this upper left-hand corner, you will see your logo instead of ours.

To start, we’re going to go over to “Courses” in this upper right-hand menu bar. On this page, you’re going to be able to scroll down and see all of the courses available to your end learners on your training platform. For some of you, this list might be very, very long, and for that, we’ve started a new feature, which is this filtration process on the left-hand side.

I’m going to go ahead and just down-click everything so we can expand to see our options. This allows us to filter by different types such as assignment course, course status, course duration, and course credits. For example, some administrators have required courses that they require learners to take. You can simply press on this box to see which courses are required for you.

To clear this filtration, you can click on the “X,” or you can also clear filters at the bottom here. The next is course type. The options are e-learning, self-study, and we also have an instructor-led training. Course status shows exactly where you are in the course if you have not started, if you’re in progress, if you’ve completed, if it’s past due, or due soon.

So for example, if a learner was saying to themselves, “I know I started a course I just can’t find it, and I don’t want to try to manually scroll down through all of these courses,” they can simply click the “In Progress,” and it instantaneously shows which courses are in progress.

Course duration is helpful because it gives you a sense of what you’re heading into before training. For example, let’s say I’m a learner who has 15 minutes before a next meeting, and I know I have to get this training done within a certain amount of time. So, I’m going to click less than 10 minutes, and here are two courses that come up that are within that field that I know I can do within 10 minutes. The duration time here says it’s five, so I know I have plenty of time to complete it before my meeting.

The last is course credits, and these are something that an administrator assigns if you have a course with or without credits. So this has been a very quick look at our new feature of the filtration process of courses and learning paths. I hope you enjoy, and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.