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How to Bulk Upload Training Content on Scormify: Instant L&D SCORM Conversion Tool

Scormify makes it easy for you to instantly transform learning objects, such as documents, videos, PowerPoints, and PDFs into SCORM-compliant training materials. Now, our bulk upload feature allows you to upload multiple types of training content at once! See how it works in this quick demo video. Want to try our training platform for free? Sign up here: https://www.scormify.io/


Hello, I’m Jacqueline, Knowledge Anywhere’s Marketing Lead, and today we’re going to be going over a new feature in Scormify, which is the bulk upload. Once you’re logged into the tool, you’ll see this simple one-two-three configuration, and we’re just going to start on the left-hand side where it says “Bulk.”

The purpose of this is the ability to add rows for multiple types of training content and be able to upload it onto Scormify so it instantly transforms into a SCORM compliant training course material that you can put on an LMS.

For the first type, let’s select a type. Let’s say I have a PowerPoint and let’s say “IEH Template.” I’m going to go default, let’s add a PowerPoint. I’ve got my IEH Template PowerPoints, we’re just going to pick one, we’re going to open it.

Completion here is the percentage that you want the learner to complete before you decide that they’re quote unquote done with your course. So I’m going to say 80% just because that’s a majority, and because this is bulk create, I’m going to do more than one because we want to show off the ability to do more. So let’s do a PDF or a Word and I’ll just say “Testing,” and we’ll do this one in dark just to mix it up a little bit.

So now I’ll go to my desktop, here’s a PDF, and you can see that it’s attached. And this one, because it’s a PDF or a Word and there’s not a completion percentage, it just completes on download. So now I’m going to hit that create button, and it will automatically move us into the next phase of Scormify, which is to start working basically.

So we’re just going to give it a second to work. As you can see, Scormify just downloaded a few zip files, so if I open these up, we’ll be able to see the two that we started, and these are now both compressed zipped folders that are Scormified and ready to add individually into your Learning Management System.

That’s a very brief overview about how to bulk create through Scormify. I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any questions, please reach out to support@knowledgeanywhere.com.