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How to Manually Create an Assessment

Unlock the potential of custom assessments! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of manually creating an assessment that caters specifically to your training needs.


Hello, I’m Jacqueline, Knowledge Anywhere’s marketing lead, and today we’re going to go over how to create an assessment manually within Knowledge Anywhere’s LMS. We’re currently on the admin side under “Content” in the left corner over here.

Once you’re here, you can manually create an assessment one of two ways. The first way is by going to “Manage Content > Assessments” and then “Add Assessment Manually.” Or you could go straight to “Create Content” and “Add Assessment Manually.” Both paths will lead you to the same place.

Now that we’re here, we only need a few basic pieces of information, such as an assessment name, a description if you’d like, and a passing percentage. For example, let’s say I need learners to get 80% correct until I say that they’ve passed this exam or assessment. I’m going to set the language as English for now and save and add a question.

You can see that we’ve successfully created a new assessment. I’m just going to manually add a question. This dropdown will tell you what kind of questions we have available to us. I will start off with multiple choice. Since this is a basic security and compliance assessment, I’m going to have the question be: “What should be done with confidential customer data used in development or test environments?” I’ll put in my options, A through D.

The great thing about this tool is that it’s totally customizable, so you could have as few or as many questions as you like. The important part here is that you put the dot next to the correct answer. In this case, it happens to be option D. If you don’t like something, you can edit it at any time or delete it.

Here, I’m also choosing to randomize the option order for learners so there’s no pattern or rhyme or reason to where this is placed on the page, and it is also a bit of a cheating precaution. We also have this cool feature that provides feedback for the incorrect answer. So, let’s say they answered option A instead. This will give them some feedback on why they were wrong and what could be construed as the correct answer.

Now that we’ve done a multiple-choice question, I’m going to add a multiple-select to show you the difference. For this question, I will ask: “Which action should be taken to maintain confidentiality in development and test environments?” I’ll put all my options very similar, and this time, because it’s multiple select, I can select multiple correct answers. This happens to be the first three, and remember, this will be randomized so you don’t have to worry about it being suspicious that the first three are correct.

Let’s try a true/false question. I know that the answer to this is false. I’m going to put in my reason why it’s false. If you would like to see all questions and answers at the same time, you can click this button right here, which will show you all.

Now that you’ve created an assessment, let’s see where this will live. Back up at “Manage Content” and “Assessments,” you can see that our Basic Security Compliance assessment is right here. It has three questions and is still in draft mode. To publish this, you have to click this little publish button right here. The options that we have available are SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. In the future, this will be filled out a bit more as we will have more options of how to publish this assessment.

I hope this has been a helpful overview. Reach out to us at any time with questions, concerns, or feedback at support@knowledgeanywhere.com. Thank you.