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How to Mark a User Complete for a Course in Knowledge Anywhere’s LMS

Want to know how to mark a user complete in the Knowledge Anywhere LMS? Take a few minutes to watch this tutorial to see how.


Hello, my name is Jacqueline, and I’m the Marketing Lead at Knowledge Anywhere. Today, we’re going to go over how to mark a learner complete within the administrative section of the LMS. I’m currently in Knowledge Anywhere’s administrative section. You get here by logging in and going to the admin view. I’d like to go over to the learner section, so on this left-hand side, simply go over to ‘Learners.’ Go to the learner that you would like to mark complete. For this example, we’ll choose Brant.

Let’s talk about why we might need to do this. The biggest reason that someone might need to mark a learner complete is if they’re taking a course on their mobile device and, for some reason, the user loses access to the internet, and the final course completion is not recorded. If that happens, the user can contact their administrator and let them know that they completed the course. As the administrator in this situation, you can go to your learner site, like we are currently, and look into their record to make sure the user has actually spent the required time in the session, completing the assessment, and whatnot before you feel comfortable marking them complete.

We can do that by going to their transcript to see what courses they’ve been assigned. You can see that Brant has not taken any courses through the system, but let’s say that he said he’s finished the ‘Getting Started’ course. All you need to do is click this section in the left-hand corner and mark complete. You’ll then see it automatically updated, and you can update the score as well as the completion date. If you feel like you’ve made a mistake, simply click it again and mark incomplete to turn it back.

Thank you for listening to this brief video tutorial. If you have any other questions about the function of the LMS or need technical support, please feel free to reach out to one of our team members through our help desk or support@knowledgeanywhere.com.