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How to Upload An External Training Record to Knowledge Anywhere’s LMS

Ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate your external training records with Knowledge Anywhere’s LMS? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of uploading your external training data, ensuring that all your training milestones, regardless of their origin, are housed in one unified platform.


Hello, I’m Jacqueline, Knowledge Anywhere’s Marketing Lead, and today we’re going to go over how to upload external training records. We’re starting in Knowledge Anywhere’s administrator LMS, and we’re going to be on the learner side in this left-hand bar right here. Now that we’re in a place where we can search learners, find the learner you would like to add the external training record to.

For example, I’m going to do Knowledge Anywhere’s founder, Charlie Gillette. Now that we’re on Charlie’s learner details page, I’m going to go over here to Quick Actions and External Completion. I’m going to add his external completion here; let’s say that he’s completed ‘Prevent Harassment in the Workplace.’ I’ll just go ahead and copy this title over. Let’s say he completed this today, and you can either choose a course link or a file.

For right now, option one, let’s choose the course link, and you can save that here. Within his transcript, you can notice that this is added under external completions and is marked as completed. If you want to see exactly what is under external completions, you can accordion this little carrot out, and you can see ‘Preventing Harassment in the Workplace’ is completed on today’s date.

Let’s try that again with a different type of completion. This time, I’m going to say ‘Preventing Harassment in the Workplace,’ and just so we can see it later, I’m going to say ‘second version.’ We’ll do today as the completion date, and instead of a link, I’m going to choose a file. This came with a downloadable certificate, and we’ll just upload it here and hit save. Once we’re back on transcripts, you can see the second version is right here. This has been a quick overview of how to upload external training records.

I hope you’ve learned something, and if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at support@knowledgeanywhere.com. Thank you.