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8 Ways To Revamp Your Mobile-Friendly eLearning Course For Modern Learners

You already know the advantages of mobile learning and launched a mobile-ready eLearning course that offers your modern learners the “moment of need” support they require. It allows them to refresh their knowledge and skill sets whenever, wherever. Thereby, improving their engagement and motivation so that they get more from the eLearning experience. But there are ways to raise the standards and make your mobile-friendly eLearning course even more impactful.

Here are 8 tips to transform your mobile-friendly eLearning course into a modern eLearning experience for every member of your audience.

1. Clear Out The Visual Clutter

Modern learners don’t have the time or patience to sift through the visual clutter to find the key takeaways. As such, you may want to do a clean sweep of your graphic elements and omit extraneous content, such as image or charts that are no longer relevant for today’s audience. Visual clutter is a bigger distraction on mobile devices because it occupies valuable screen space.

2. Rethink Your Navigation

A large aspect of mobile-friendly eLearning is how quickly and easily a user can find what they need. One way to help ease any friction between learner and their content is to make sure navigation is intuitive to use. Are users going to understand how to get to their course and start learning with minimal instructions?

3. Incorporate A Mobile Learning Micro Library

Mobile learners are often looking for “moment of need” online training tools that bridge gaps quickly. For this reason, you might consider adding a microlearning online training library to your mobile-friendly eLearning course design, which can feature everything from bite-sized online training tutorials to serious games. This way, modern learners can build their knowledge and skills whenever the need arises. As an example, on their way to work in the morning, so that they’re fully prepared for a client meeting.

4. Refresh Your Responsive eLearning Template

eLearning templates save time and resources. But only if they still resonate with your target audience and align with the subject matter and learning objectives. Analyze your current responsive design master template to see if it still caters to your modern learners’ needs. Use the built-in previewing tool to evaluate the eLearning course layout on different devices. Look for graphics that seem out of place or too large for the small screen, as well as the readability of fonts and the contrast of the color scheme. For example, does the creative font make the key takeaways difficult to decipher? Do the borders or sub headers fade into the background?

5. Integrate Learner-Controlled Multimedia

Mobile learners must have the ability to control the audio and playback on any device. Videos, serious games, and other multimedia should also include subtitles for when mobile learners need to mute the eLearning course in crowded spaces or when the audio may be too much of a distraction for nearby co-workers. For example, if they’re accessing the online training content in the break room or sales floor.

6. Convert Links To Finger-Friendly Buttons

Hyperlinks are difficult to click on a smaller screen. But every mobile learner should have the same opportunity to access the valuable online training resources they need. As such, you may want to convert all your links to finger-friendly buttons with brief descriptions. Include a sentence or two below the button that explains who the online training resource is for and how it can help. For example, your “dress code FAQ” covers the basics of company attire so that employees can stay within compliance.

7. Optimize eLearning Content To Reduce Download Times

Some of your mobile learners may be working with slower download speeds. Which is why you should optimize your eLearning content to avoid time-outs and, ultimately, mobile learner frustration. Ensure that all your videos and images are compressed so that those with slow Wi-Fi connections still benefit from your eLearning course. You should also remove larger files and replace them with links or buttons that mobile learners can access later.

For example, they may not necessarily need to participate in a 20-minute serious game or involved simulation on their device. Instead, they can wait until they have more room in their schedule and login to the LMS platform from their PCs or laptops. At which point, they can give the eLearning activity their full time and attention without having to worry about bulky files slowing down their mobile learning experience.

8. Provide Downloadable eLearning Content

Many Learning Management Systems now give you the opportunity to provide downloadable eLearning content to your mobile audience. They can simply download the file, complete it offline whenever time permits, then resync to the system. The LMS automatically updates their profile and gives them credit for completing the eLearning activity or grades their assessment to provide immediate feedback. This is the ideal solution for mobile learners who have unreliable internet connections or are venturing into a WiFi-free zone.

For instance, one of your employees is staying at a hotel while attending the big industry conference. They want to brush up on their product knowledge so that they’re fully prepared for the networking opportunities that await them. Downloadable eLearning content allows them to refresh their memory and learn about your newest product line, even if the accommodations don’t provide free internet. These are 8 ways to revamp your mobile-friendly eLearning course and modernize your eLearning course design. Most of these improvements are budget-conscious and quick to implement, which means that you can start transforming your eLearning course as soon as possible so that modern learners get the maximum benefit.