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5 Reasons Training for Tech Companies is Vital to Survive in A Crowded Space

The past few years have seen disruptors spring up more than ever before. Thanks to evolving technologies, new tech companies are providing solutions for individual and business customers across industries that are cheaper, more convenient, and better than their predecessors. As a result, of course, the tech space is becoming increasingly crowded. From cloud solutions consultants to eCommerce merchants, carving out a niche in a competitive environment demands increasing attention. That attention needs to focus not just on customer acquisition, but building the best possible space to survive and thrive in your industry. And that’s precisely where tech team training enters the equation. In fact, here are five reasons why training is critical in any tech-focused environment.

1) Building a Baseline of Knowledge

The first and most basic function of any training program is to establish a baseline of knowledge that everyone within the organization reaches. This is particularly important in technology, where jargon and complicated solutions are often keys to a sustainable competitive advantage. Not everyone in your company is a software developer. But everyone should at least understand the basic tenets on which your product or solution is built. The right development program allows you to set that baseline, both for new employees and existing team members in new roles.

2) Encouraging Unity and Culture

The right training environment, of course, also goes beyond technical knowledge. When implemented correctly, it can become the key to making sure that everyone is on the same page. This part of training is especially important when onboarding new employees, who may not yet know the environment they are about to enter. Successful tech companies pride themselves on a strong corporate culture, which is necessary in part because of the demands that come with this competitive industry. Tech team training can educate everyone on the team about the shared norms and values that exist within your company, building tight unity that ultimately leads to greater loyalty, motivation, and productivity.

3) Keeping Pace With Rapid Change

The only constant in the tech industry is change. New technologies emerge almost by the second, while your audience’s digital behaviors continue to shift and require constant updates on your end. Any successful tech entrepreneur and manager knows: maintaining the status quo is a surefire recipe for failure. But how do you keep pace with the rapid change required to survive in this competitive industry? Corporate training can be the answer. A development plan that is continually renewed and updated allows you to keep everyone in the company up-to-date on internal and external changes, opportunities, and threats.

4) Accounting for New Work Habits

The tendency to work remotely stretches across sectors. But it’s nowhere more common than in the tech industry, where 57% of employees spent at least some time working from a place other than the corporate office at least part of each week. This trend requires a changing approach to keeping everyone on the same page. In addition to video conferencing software and cloud-based storage systems, that also means training to established a shared base of knowledge and norms becomes more vital than ever. Remote employees cannot simply pick up the culture or jargon used around the water cooler. An effective training program, on the other hand, better integrates them into the company.

5) Maximizing Employee Potential

Finally, training can play a vital role in providing professional development to your tech employees. Not every module has to be about your own company or product; it also pays to integrate industry knowledge and trends into the system. No employee, and particularly no professional in the competitive tech sector, wants to be stuck in place. Professional development opportunities improve job satisfaction, make your company more attractive, increase employee retention, and unlock the full potential and productivity.

How Can Training for Tech Companies be Implemented?

Of course, understanding the importance of training in a tech environment is only the first step. Next, companies looking to embrace its benefits need to understand exactly how they can implement an effective training system. Above all, that means choosing the right delivery model for your needs. Here, some of your options include: 

  • In-Person Training, in which an internally designated expert holds regular sessions to raise the base knowledge of those around them.
  • Online Training, consisting of modules that are designed to improve individual skills in an independent format.
  • Mentorship System, helping new employees acclimate to the work environment through the personalized guidance of an experienced professional.
  • Conference/Event Attendance, particularly beneficial for professional development and team-building activities.
  • Consulting Companies and External Coaches, external experts who can come in (usually in a workshop or seminar style) to enhance knowledge and expertise of the entire organization.

Of these possibilities, which is best? Ultimately, all training methods come with their advantages and drawbacks. Online training is perfect for a distributed workforce, while conferences can provide an environment more conducive to learning. Consulting companies are most expensive, but also most in-depth in helping you reach your goals.

In the end, a simple truth remains: there is no simple best way in corporate training and development. Instead, the best solution tends to be a blended strategy that includes aspects from of the above options. Remote members of your team may prefer online learning, but in-person opportunities can lead to a more interactive environment. Execution of this blended option, of course, requires an online learning system that can accommodate your technical training needs. With clients like Microsoft and Siemens, we’re proud to provide a comprehensive eLearning suite that has proven successful in the tech industry.