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The True Cost of Outdated Training: How Refreshing Skills Can Save Your Business

In today’s economy, it is more important than ever for companies to invest in their employees. One way to do this is by providing updated and relevant training courses.

However, during tough economic times, corporate training budgets are often the first to be slashed. What many businesses don’t realize is that cutting back on employee training can actually end up costing them more in the long run. So, how much is your outdated corporate training costing you?

This blog post will discuss the true cost of outdated corporate training and the importance of refreshing your employees’ skills.

What Is Corporate Training?

Before we dive into the cost of outdated corporate training, let’s first define what corporate training is. Corporate training is “the process of teaching employees the specific skills they need to perform their jobs effectively.” It can teach new employees the basics of their job and help existing employees learn new skills or keep their existing skills up-to-date.

Corporate training is necessary for any business that wants to ensure its employees can do their jobs effectively. In fact, 86% of employees in the world say that access to quality learning and development opportunities is a key factor in deciding whether or not to stay with their current employer.

Why Is Corporate Training Important?

Corporate training is important for several reasons.

  • It can help improve employee productivity. According to research, employees who receive training are more productive by 8-18% than those who don’t. This means that investing in employee training can actually help improve your bottom line and increase your ROI.
  • It can help improve employee retention. Employees who feel like their employer is investing in their development are more likely to stick around. In fact, one study found employees who receive training are 40% less likely to leave their jobs than those who don’t.
  • It can help improve employee morale. Employees who feel like their employer is investing in their development are more likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about their work.
  • It can help improve customer satisfaction. Employees who are better trained are more likely to provide better customer service, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction.
  • It can help improve company profitability. Studies show that companies that invest in employee training see a significant return on their investment.

So, as you can see, corporate training is important for various reasons. But what happens when companies fail to update their training programs?

What Is the Cost of Outdated Corporate Training?

Outdated corporate training is defined as “training that is no longer relevant or accurate.” There are several reasons why corporate training can become outdated, including changes in technology, changes in the marketplace, and changes in company procedures.

When corporate training becomes outdated, it can negatively affect companies. These consequences can be divided into two main categories.

1. Direct Costs

The first category of costs is direct costs. These are the tangible, monetary costs that companies incur due to outdated training. Some common examples of direct costs include:

As you can see, there are several direct costs associated with outdated corporate training. These costs can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line.

  • The cost of re-training employees. When training becomes outdated, companies often have to spend money to re-train their employees, which can be costly especially if the training is being delivered to many employees.
  • The cost of lost productivity. Outdated training can lead to decreased employee productivity. Employees who are not properly trained are less likely to be able to do their jobs effectively, which can lead to lost sales, missed deadlines, and other problems.
  • The cost of customer satisfaction. Outdated training can also lead to decreased customer satisfaction because employees who are not properly trained are less likely to provide good customer service.

2. Indirect Costs

The second category of costs is indirect costs. These are the intangible, non-monetary costs that companies incur due to outdated training. Some common examples of indirect costs include:

  • The cost of employee morale. Outdated training can lead to decreased employee morale because employees who are not properly trained are less likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about their work.
  • The cost of employee retention. Outdated training can also lead to decreased employee retention because employees who are not properly trained are more likely to leave their jobs.
  • The cost of company reputation. Outdated training can also lead to decreased company reputation due to poor customer service.

So, what is the true cost of outdated corporate training? The answer is that it depends. The cost of outdated corporate training can vary depending on the company’s size, industry, and other factors. However, one thing is certain: outdated corporate training can be very costly for companies.

While the cost of outdated corporate training can be significant, it is important to note that the cost of refreshing already existing training is often much less. In fact, in many cases, the cost of refreshing already existing training is negligible.

By refreshing already existing training, companies can avoid the direct and indirect costs associated with outdated training. In addition, it can help ensure that employees are up-to-date on the latest changes in technology, procedures, and the marketplace, which can help to improve employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

How Can Companies Refresh Their Training Programs?

If your company’s training programs are outdated, there are several things you can do to refreshthem. Here are some tips:

  • Update your training content. One of the easiest ways to refresh your training programs is simply updating your training content. Add new modules, update existing modules, or even create entirely new courses.
  • Invest in new technology. Another way to refresh your training programs is to invest in new technology such as Learning Management System and Virtual Reality Training, which can help to make your training more immersive and engaging.
  • Re-evaluate your training delivery methods. It is also important to re-evaluate your training delivery methods, such as switching from a traditional classroom setting to an online learning environment.
  • Hire a corporate training company. Hiring a reputable corporate training company can be a great way to refresh your training programs. A corporate training company can help you create custom, up-to-date, and engaging training content.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your company’s training program is up to date and that your employees are properly trained. Doing so will help improve employee productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, and company profitability.