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Course Conversion Tool – Scormify

Transform videos, documents, and presentations into SCORM courses

Our Course Conversion Tool, Scormify, will get you up and going quickly by leveraging content you have, transforming them into trackable training courses within your LMS.

Save thousands by breaking up with expensive course creation tools

In the eLearning ecosystem, costs can quickly accumulate, especially when relying on high-end content creation tools, which can cost tens of thousands a year.

With our tool, you can turn your content into SCORM-compliant course with interactive quizzing for a fraction of the cost, eliminating the need for various pricey software applications.

An intuitive three-step process with a short learning curve.

Most content creation tools take a while to understand and use well, making it a huge budget and time commitment. In fact, most companies need to hire a roles just devoted to that process!

To make it easy, we have a short learning curve, so you can get courses on your training platform in three easy steps.

Customize your training content and save countless hours of time

  • Specify title, length, and language
  • Set completion rate
  • Add styles (regular and dark mode)
  • Easily convert video files while inserting quiz questions at key intervals, making your videos SCORM compliant, ready to upload on any training platform, and an interactive quiz for your end learners.

Integrates seamlessly into your LMS

Upload and update your courses easily within our learning platform, so your Learners always have the most up to date versions of your newly created or converted resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What's a conversion?

A conversion is defined as transforming a support file type into a SCORM-compliant course. Once you have converted an object, it may be downloaded an unlimited amount of times for use in the Knowledge Anywhere LMS or any other SCORM-compatible LMS.

SCORM, or “Shareable Content Object Reference Model,” is a collection of standards and specifications for eLearning technology, and serves as a guideline or reference point for how developers can successfully use different standards in combination with one another. To learn more about SCORM, click here. 

Our course content conversion tool plays nicely with PDFs, documents (ex: .DOCX), MP4 videos, streaming videos (ex: Vimeo, YouTube), and PowerPoints.

Yes! To learn how to bulk upload, watch this informative video: How to Bulk Upload Training Content 

Yes! Scormify includes a “History” section in the top menu bar, which shows all previously converted objects and allows you to download them again if needed. 

Documents are stored in a private database and are not publicly accessible, and cannot be downloaded outside of Scormify. Knowledge Anywhere will never share your private data or content.

If you need support, visit our Help Desk here or contact support@knowledgeanywhere.com.

More LMS Features

Badges & Leaderboards

Engage and motivate learners by rewarding achievements and promoting friendly competition.


Offer tangible proof of course completion and skill acquisition, enhancing the credibility of your training program.

Course Conversion Tool

Get going quickly by leveraging existing materials, instantly turning them into trackable online courses

Customization & Branding

Personalize the LMS interface to mirror your corporate identity, ensuring a consistent user experience.