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Can Corporate Training Solve Your Organizational Challenges?

If you’re looking for a silver bullet to solve all the problems that exist within your organization you’ve stumbled across the wrong article. I regret to admit that there is no simple solution that will make all of your challenges disappear. However, there is a solution that can come pretty close. Corporate training, while it is no seemingly magical solution, it does has the power to drive your organization forward—towards positive changes in behavior, improved operating practices, enhanced precision, and happier employees. Want to learn how?

Here are five ways corporate training can bring about positive change within your organization:

1. Corporate Training Helps Build More Effective Teams

With streamlined employee education, managers and team leaders can gain knowledge in these areas: 

  • Understanding why teams and teamwork are so important to today’s corporation
  • Planning and organizing for team success
  • Developing practical skills for leading and motivating team members
  • Building strategies for coping with team challenges

Corporate training can get your entire workforce in sync by teaching skills that enhance communication and trust so that your organization can align its employees around shared goals. An investment in training can ensure that all your employees

2. Corporate Training Helps Improve Employee Performance & Engagement

Every individual in your organization, regardless of their skill set, personality, or background, has the desire to add value and see the fruits of their labor. One of the biggest reasons why employees leave an organization is because they don’t feel as though they recognize the success or fulfillment that they desire from their jobs. Making an investment in the professional and personal development of your workforce can go a long way in fostering a sense of purpose, a drive to work harder, and a bond of loyalty to form. 

Here are a few ways corporate training can help: 

  • Makes employees feel valued: 
    When you invest in employee development, your employees will feel like an important asset to the company; which has a significant impact on reducing employee turnover.
  • Improves performance: 
    Employees take pride in doing a job well, and when you give them a way to improve their skills, they now have the tools need to go above and beyond their job requirements.
  • Opens opportunities for advancement: 
    Providing training for your employees lets them know that there are opportunities for them to reach their career goals. This sends a very important message to clients and competitors about how your organization values progress.
  • Helps form new and improved relationships: 
    Training often provides the opportunity for people in different parts of an organization to get to know each other better; while teams that are already intact can often improve their communications and relationships as well.

3. Corporate Training Helps Bridge Multi-Generational Communication Gaps

Business News Daily emphasizes the fact that organizations now have a mixture of generations in their workforce and that managers have to learn how to communicate with them effectively. Their findings tell us that: 

  • Baby boomers tend to be more reserved
  • Gen Xers prefer a control-and-command style of communication
  • Millennial employees prefer a more collaborative approach
  • Gen Z likes in-person interactions the best

Corporate training with an emphasis on generational diversity provides a roadmap so that managers can better understand work-value differences in employee behaviors.

4. Corporate Training Helps Develop Transformational Leaders

In an increasingly complex business environment, employees need leaders that will encourage and inspire them to be the best they can be. When employees have a high level of respect for their leaders, they naturally will become more passionate about their contribution to the success of your organization. 

Corporate training can be an effective avenue to teach your management team how to: 

  • Act as mentors or coaches who listen to employee needs and concerns to provide an atmosphere of empathy and support. This keeps communication open and celebrates the individual contribution that every member makes.
  • Challenge assumptions, take risks and solicit employees’ input when formulating ideas. This type of management stimulates employee interaction and encourages them to ask questions, think deeply and figure out better ways to perform their duties.
  • Articulate a vision that is appealing and inspiring to their employees. Transformational leaders learn how to motivate and communicate optimism about future goals. This gives employees a strong sense of purpose and meaning which provides the energy that drives a team forward.

5. Corporate Training Helps Mitigate Risks

Regardless of the industry that your organization operates in, there are always important hurdles to overcome (and make sure that you avoid entirely) for the health of the business to remain intact. A lack of, or improper training in these key areas can have disastrous results—and not just to your bottom-line. 

Corporate training can help mitigate the following business risks: 

  • Strategic risk
    Without highly skilled talent, a business is constantly at risk of becoming less relevant in the marketplace. Thus, an emphasis on talent development and consistent employee education is key for executive leadership to be able to deliver on its big plans.
  • Compliance risk
    Without corporate training in place it can be difficult, if not impossible, to meet the necessary laws and regulations that apply to your business. You may already have training in place, but if you have no way of tracking it, you run the risk of sliding out of compliance. A compliance LMS is a great way to track employee participation and minimize compliance risk.
  • Operational risk
    People and process failures are common in an organization that doesn’t prioritize training. To minimize these costly (and potentially dangerous) events from occurring it is important to provide consistent training cover key topics around the operation of your corporate assets.
  • Reputational risk
    A good reputation can bolster your business, and a bad one can take you off the map. Although marketing plays a significant role in how the public views your brand, it is your employees who best represent what you stand for. Your employees have the power to damage your brand equity, which is why it is vital you provide them with the tools they need to be successful, as well as set the bar where you’d like it to be.

As you can see, corporate training CAN help you solve important challenges that exist within your organization. But, like everything, it has its limitations.

Here are three examples of problems that corporate training CAN’T solve:

1. Corporate Training CAN’T Help With Poor Management

There are some managers who are just not capable of being good leaders, can’t formulate good plans and won’t become the visionaries you need. They consider themselves to be administrators only and try to avoid change whenever possible. They don’t realize that good management is all about communication and adaptability. This comes back to the recruitment process where you have to ask the right questions and make sure that you are hiring the best people.

2. Corporate Training CAN’T Solve Every Employee Conflict

Some people’s personalities just don’t mesh and even Gandhi, if he were alive, couldn’t make them work well together. In these situations, you have to use your best judgment and listen to what your instincts are telling you. You can’t necessarily make people like each other but, you can insist that they face and resolve conflicts; be civil to one another and, that they don’t let their antagonism get in the way of getting the job done.

3. Corporate Training CAN’T Help When You Have Inefficient Processes

When you have cumbersome, complicated systems, this makes work more difficult than it has to be. If employees are bogged down with trying to use inefficient processes, this takes them away from their core duties. You might think that you already know what your team’s needs are – but you might be surprised by what you’d find out if you asked them. Labor-intensive and manual tasks reduce the agility your company needs to grow. Effective corporate training can have a positive effect on many aspects of your organization.

It is vital for getting employees to feel more connected and is the foundation that will give your customers consistent, quality service. It isn’t a magic cure-all, however, but with the right planning and a good strategy, you can transform your entire organization. At Knowledge Anywhere, we’ll help you analyze your pain points and objectives so that you can build a learning culture that has a lasting impact. By delivering the expertise you need, we’ll reinvent the way you develop talent, increase efficiency and generate productivity.